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Exercise and Nutrition Are Essential In Health For Men

Introduction to Health for Men

Health for men recognizes the fact that men are different from women. Men have greater lean body mass (muscle) than women. And then there is the issue of prostate cancer--the leading cause of death among men from cancer. Men need nutrients specific to a healthy prostate.

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Nutritional requirements have to be targeted to men in order to meet health for men goals. However both men and women have certain things in common when it comes to health. Regular exercise reduces risk factors for chronic diseases such as cancer for both sexes. And both need a healthy diet.

Super Nutrients and health for men

(1) Oysters- this marine creature is full of zinc. Zinc is an antioxidant which also regulates protein synthesis, and plays a role in growth development and wound healing immunity. It is also available in meat, whole grains, and eggs, as well as fish. The recommended amount is 11 mg (milligrams) per day.

(2) Bananas- bananas are abundant in potassium. Potassium regulates heartbeat, blood pressure and the nerves. Together with magnesium, potassium can reduce the risk of stroke. Bananas are also high in vitamin B-6.

(3) Omega-3 fatty acids- sadly lacking in the standard American diet (SAD), omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel. These fatty acid are great anti-inflammatory agents. They can reduce triglyceride (fat in blood) levels and ease general aches and pains. Fatty fish are also a good source of vitamin D which has been found to prevent cancer, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and bone disease. Americans get inadequate amounts of this important vitamin. Health for men, and women, depends upon a high intake of vitamin D.

(4) Broccoli- a cruciferous vegetable which is a nutritional powerhouse. Broccoli is loaded with beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium, and sulphoraphane, a phytochemical (plant nutrient.) Sulphoraphane is a powerful anti-cancer agent (especially prostate, important for health for men, and colon.)

(5) Brazil nuts- full of the antioxidants magnesium and selenium. In fact Brazil nuts have so much selenium that only one nut is sufficient to supply your daily intake. Magnesium and selenium may assist to help prevent cancer and heart disease, leading killers of men and women.

(6) Whole grains- the standard American diet is rich in carbohydrates, but sadly they are predominately refined carbs. Whole grains are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some whole grain such as oatmeal and barley have nutrients that support a healthy prostate-important in maintaining health for men.

(7) Plant stanols- stanols are naturally occurring substances in fruits and vegetables that have been shown to lower mildly elevated blood cholesterol levels.

(8) Berries or cherries- the deep red, blue and violet color of these fruits typifies their health potency. Berries and cherries contain the flavanoid anthocyanin. They also have over 4,000 other nutrients which have antioxidant properties. Studies show that berries such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries and cherries enhance the brain.

Erectile Dysfunction and health for men

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has to be one of the major issues in health for men. It is estimated that it affects approximately 15 to 30 million men in the United States. The causes of ED are varied. Obesity, medication, surgeries and injuries, diseases, or psychological factors are some of the culprits.

Being overweight can have a significant affect on sexual performance, as well as health for men in general. A study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association which showed a strong link between weight loss and sexual function. The study group consisted of 55 obese men (BMI 30 or greater.)

The study group was diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. One-third of the men who lost a minimum of 10 percent of their body weight reported an improvement in sexual performance. Weight loss was accomplished through diet and exercise. A healthy weight is important in the quest for health for men.

According to Christopher Saigal, MD, MPH, associate professor of urology at University of California, Los Angeles, "Weight loss and exercise are very important for people with ED. They've been shown to reduce erectile dysfunction to the point where sexual performance is nearly normal in obese men."

Men who are physically active have a lower risk of erectile dysfunction than men who are sedentary. Even a low stress activity such as walking can have an significant impact. Men who consistently maintain an active and healthy lifestyle are more likely to retain sexual function as they get older.

Medications can impact health for men-including sexual health. Blood pressure medication, antihistamines, and antidepressants are some of the drugs that can cause erectile dysfunction.

Diseases can be a factor in erectile dysfunction. Diseases that affect tissues, the nerves, and arteries involved in erections are the most common. Diabetes, and kidney, vascular, and neurological diseases can cause erectile dysfunction.

Psychological factors such as stress, depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem can have a role in erectile dysfunction, and health for men in general. These factors can affect anywhere from 10 to 20% of American men.

Men with erectile dysfunction are at a higher risk of developing coronary artery disease. An unhealthy lifestyle contributes to the aging of blood vessels in the penis and those related to cardiovascular function.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles can assist men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and bowel. A study showed that 40 percent of men with ED who did pelvic floor exercises for 6 months regained normal function.

Pelvic floor exercises tightens and tones these muscles. These exercises consist of actions you take to cut off urination in midstream, or to control diarrhea.

Erectile dysfunction drugs sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra) have caused some men to experience temporary or permanent hearing loss. It was sometimes accompanied by dizziness and ringing in the ears.

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has asked the manufacturers of these drugs to more prominently display warnings about this potential side effect.

Acetyl-L-carnitine has been found to increase erectile function better than testosterone. It also reduces depression, fatigue, and increased nocturnal erections. These benefits were discovered in a study involving men over the age of 66.

Acetly-L-carnitine is synthesized in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. As with anything else, natural supplements rather than harsh, toxic synthetic drugs are preferable for health for men.

Prostate Health and health for men

The leading cancer for men is prostate cancer. There are, however, nutritional remedies for this deadly disease. One of these remedies is lycopene, a well-researched natural nutrient. A healthy prostate is necessary for health for men.

Lycopene is a carotenoid found in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, and guava. Studies have shown that lycopene can:

  • improve the body's defenses against inflammation and oxidative damage to DNA
  • reduce LDL (low density lipoprotein) oxidation
  • reduce cell damage
  • reduce several cancer risks including breast, intestinal, and prostate
  • A new European study which included lycopene has just come out. Data was collected from over 137,000 men who were followed for 6 years in EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer & Nutrition.) Nutritional information for 966 men with prostate cancer was compared to information from more than 1,000 cancer-free control participants who were matched for age, date of EPIC recruitment and country of origin.

    Lycopene was linked to a significant reduction in risk of advanced prostate cancer. The study participants with the highest lycopene intake had a reduced risk of 60% compared to those with the lowest intake.

    It is hard for the body to absorb lycopene from uncooked tomatoes. Eating cooked tomatoes is superior (or tomato sauce or paste.) Mixing the cooked tomato with olive oil (a monounsaturated fat) will enhance absorption even more. (Read more...)

    As men age, the levels of testosterone drops and estrogen levels either remain the same, or they increase. For health for men, these hormones need to stay in balance. Fermented soy will promote hormonal balance. The following soy products are fermented: tofu, miso, and tempeh. Roasted soy nuts are another option.

    • a new case of prostate cancer is diagnosed every 3 minutes in the United States
    • every 15 minutes a man dies of prostate cancer in America
    • prostate cancer is the second leading type of cancer in men
    • over 11 million men have some form of prostate cancer in the United States
    • survival rates of prostate cancer in 1995 were no different than they were in 1965

    One of the leading causes of problems with the prostate, including prostate cancer, is the gradual decline of testosterone as a man ages. Men 30 and over are effected and should take steps to reverse this natural process. As testosterone declines, estradiol, a form of estrogen, increases.

    This change in male hormonal balance is the cause of prostate difficulties. The regular use of progesterone creme for men over 30 can reverse this trend, and is highly recommended in health for men.

    Dr. John Lee, an expert in hormones, recommends the regular use of 8 to 12 milligrams (mg) of progesterone creme (applied topically.) The creme should contain: saw palmetto oil (0.8%), pygeum bark extract, apriot oil, pumpkin seed oil, and natural progesterone USP (United States Pharmacopeia) (0.7%.) Each teaspoon should have approximately 8.25 mg of progesterone.

    Since prostate cancer is the second leading cancer in men after skin cancer, early detection is important. Currently the best prostate screening is PSA (prostate-specific antigen) along with a digital rectal examination and evaluation of family history.

    A PSA test alone is far from full-proof. Some people with prostate cancer have low PSA levels and may go undetected based on PSA alone. Other people with high PSA levels don't have prostate cancer. Conditions like prostatitis and urinary tract infection can raise PSA levels. PSA levels differ among men with prostate cancer.

    Most men with prostate cancer will die of heart disease, the leading killer of men and women. According to Ganesh Palapattu, MD, assistant professor of urology at the University of Rochester Medical Center, "The vast majority of men with prostate cancer possess generally slow-growing and non-aggressive disease."

    According to:

    International Agency for Research on Cancer
    "The highest prostate cancer incidence rates are in the developed world and the lowest rates in Africa and Asia."

    National Cancer Institute, US National Institutes of Health
    "Prostate the most commonly diagnosed among men in the United States...the incidence rates for clinical prostate cancer in Western men are 30 to 50 times higher than those for Asian men..."

    USA Today
    "African Americans have the highest prostate cancer risk in the world...And despite high rates among African Americans, prostate cancer is very low in Africa."
    "A 200-fold difference in incidence exists between African American men who represent the group with the highest incidence of the disease, and Chinese men living in Asia, in whom the incidence of prostate cancer is among the lowest in the world."

    Estrogen Dominance and health for men

    Estrogen dominance can be a problem for men as well as women. As men get older, their levels of testosterone drop while their levels of estrogen remain the same, or increase. Testosterone levels drop as much as 40% in men between the early 40s and early 70s. As you can see, there are many factors which influence health for men.

    This drop in testosterone leads to a waning in sexual desire and performance. It can also negatively effect a man's competitive drive, or desire to succeed.

    Men over 30 years of age should use natural progesterone cream. This will help ensure complete health for men.

    Testosterone Hormonal Balance and health for men

    Both men and women have testosterone and estrogen. The difference is that men have a lot more testosterone than women. Testosterone levels need to be at the proper levels in both men and women for total health. Declining levels affect health for men.

    In men and women, testosterone is responsible for:

  • pumping up your energy levels
  • fueling your sexual desires
  • escalating levels of sexual satisfaction
  • hair growth and prevention of baldness
  • building muscle
  • burning body fat
  • helping to make better circulation possible
  • Testosterone levels in men and women begin to decline at around the age of 30. In actuality what happens is that the amount of free circulating testosterone decreases. More of it gets bound to albumin (plasma protein) and SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin.) Once testosterone becomes bound, it is unavailable for use by the body.

    The technical term for the natural decline in testosterone that occurs when men age, and affects health for men, is andropause. This happens in a significant way between the ages of 40 and 55. It is the equivalent of menopause that women experience. The drop in testosterone can increase the risk of developing heart disease and weak bones (osteoporosis.)

    Too little SHBG protein causes the body to make too much testosterone and estrogen. This in turn increases a woman's chances of developing acne, polycystic ovaries, uterine cancer, heart disease, and can lead to infertility.

    An increase in SHBG is associated with a 40% to 60% decrease in free testosterone levels. This can happen to women who take, or have taken, oral contraceptives such as birth control pills. A study reported in the January 2006 issue of The Journal of Sexual Medicine showed this effect.

    Certain herbs can prevent and even reverse the binding of testosterone. Saw palmetto, wild oats, and nettles are especially effective. These herbs can increase the levels of free testosterone by an amazing 105%!

    If your testosterone levels are low, the following taken daily will boost free levels: zinc (30 to 50 mg), vitamin A (40,000 to 50,000 IU), boron (3 mg). The herb tribulus terrestis (250 to 750 mg daily) will also boost free testosterone levels.

    Andropause and health for men

    Term given to what others have called male menopause. Others prefer the term Adam--Androgen decline in the aging male.) As men age, their hormone levels begin to decline. This starts around the age of 29. Measurable circulating levels of testosterone drops about 1% every year, human growth hormone drops about 1.3%, and DHEA (dihydroepiandosterone) about 2%. Naturally these declining hormones negatively affect health for men.

    Women experience a sudden, dramatic drop in hormone levels while men experience a gradual decline. The long-term consequences are especially significant for testosterone. The effects may be a lessening of libido (sex drive), lethargy, depression, and anxiety. Men may also see increasing body fat and a subsequent decline in muscle mass.

    DHEA is a mood regulating hormone. A number of studies associate low levels with depression.

    Osteoporosis in Men and health for men

    Many people think of osteoporosis as primarily a woman's health problem. That, however, is not true. Approximately 30 percent of men 50 years and older will suffer an osteoporosis-related bone fracture at some point in their lives.

    The National Osteoporosis Foundation says that over two million men have osteoporosis, and that only about 10 percent ever get diagnosed. Almost 12 million more have osteopenia which is low bone density (not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis however.)

    Up until about the age of 35, bone formation for men and women is greater than bone breakdown. That reverses after the age of 35. Men lose bone slower than women, and because they generally have greater bone mass than women, they get fractures later in life.

    After a man reaches his mid-seventies, his risk factor for getting osteoporosis just about equals a woman's.

    As with a woman, the primary causes for osteoporosis in men are a sedentary lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies. The main deficiencies are calcium and vitamin D. These nutrients are essential in continuing health for men.

    Risk factors for osteoporosis include oral steroids for those who have taken them for a six-month period over the course of their lifetime (for severe asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.) Men who weigh less than 154 pounds are over 20 times more likely to develop osteoporosis than heavier men.

    Some treatments for prostrate cancer can increase osteoporosis risk. Androgens have a protective role in bone strength. The prostrate drug leuprolide (Lupron) reduces the levels of the hormone androgen. Men who are given antihormone drugs-or who have undergone castration-are now assumed to be at high risk for osteoporosis.

    Lifestyle issues that increase the risk of developing osteoporosis are very easy to deal with. Weight bearing exercises are superior to all others in this respect. This includes weight training coupled with walking. Additional calcium and vitamin D are probably needed in the diet. Here are a woman's requirements for these nutrients. A man needs 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium daily until age 65, and 1,500 mg thereafter. The recommended daily amount of vitamin D is, I believe, much too low (Read this....)

    Nicotine is toxic to bone marrow. Men with COPD quite often develop osteoporosis. The primary cause of COPD is smoking. Drinking should be minimized. Excessive alcohol intake inhibits the body's ability to make new bone.

    Some research has connected SSRI antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft with reduced bone density.

    Serum Calcium and Health for Men

    A reanalysis of data performed jointly by researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the University of Wisconsin shows that men who have too much calcium in their blood (serum calcium) are at an increased risk of developing fatal prostate cancer.

    Calcium in the blood has absolutely nothing to do with dietary calcium. So this is not a matter of too much calcium in the diet.

    "We show that men in upper range of the normal distribution of serum calcium subsequently have an almost three-fold increased risk for fatal prostate cancer," said Gary G. Schwartz, Ph.D., associate professor of cancer biology and of epidemiology and prevention at Wake Forest, a part of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Such excess calcium can be lowered, he said.

    Serum calcium is closely regulated by the body's parathyroid hormone. In laboratory experiments, both excess calcium and excess parathyroid hormone is related to the growth of prostate cancer cells.

    BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) and health for men

    BPH is the increase in size of the prostate gland. The increase in size can be triggered by male hormone changes as men age.

    Benign prostatic Hypertrophy displays the following symptoms:

  • a hard time urinating
  • an interrupted and weak urine stream
  • an increase in the frequency of urination
  • sudden strong urges to urinate, especially at night
  • As men age, testosterone levels begin to decrease. This results in a lessening of the male testosterone/estrogen ratio. According to animal studies, estrogen in men increases the the activity of compounds that promote prostate cell growth.

    Aging men accumulate a compound known as DHT (dihydrotestosterone) which provides an atmosphere for the growth of prostate cells. DHT is also one of the compounds responsible for male pattern baldness.

    BPH and prostate cancer share many of the same symptoms. However most researchers don't believe that having BPH increases a man's risk of developing prostate cancer. Dr. David G. Williams begs to differ from common consensus.

    "...Although I can't support my idea with mountains of research, I can't help but disagree [emphasis Dr. Williams]; chronic inflammation (BHP and/or prostatitis) could be a significant contributing factor in prostate cancer. Oncologists will tell you that inflammation or prostatitis is present whenever they see cancer..." (Alternative for the Health-Conscious Individual August 2009, Volume 13, No. 2; The Prostate Cancer Machine)

    PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) and health for men

    Protate-specific antigen is a test for detecting prostate cancer. It was developed in the early 1980s. Having been endorsed by celebrities, and propelled by a big budget marketing effort, PSA became a widely used prostate cancer detection test. This was despite the fact that it has no legitimate research to support claims that early detection and treatment save lives.

    Because of no supporting research, European countries refused to put in place PSA screening. Yet European countries' incidence rates of prostate cancer remained the same. Incidence rates in the United States soared. And in spite of America's insistence on PSA testing, our mortality rates are about the same as in any European country.

    PSA testing measures a protein that the prostate makes when it is inflammed. Primary research suggested that higher PSA levels might be associated with prostate cancer. But an ever-mounting body of research now suggests that higher PSA levels are more closely associated to an enlarged prostate, and its accompanying inflammation, than to prostate cancer.

    The New England Journal of Medicine recently published two studies which point to PSA screening leading to questionable results. One of these studies was a review of seven separate European studies involving a total of 162,243 men, aged 55 to 69. Dr. Otis Brawley, a top oncologist in the world, stated that these studies were "...some of the most important studies in the history of men's health"

    The review found that by utilizing PSA screening, 1,410 men would need to be screened regularly for ten years and 48 more men would have to undergo totally unnecessary cancer treatment to prevent one death from prostate cancer!

    Dr. David Williams remarks, "To make these results easier to understand, try considering them this way. Let's say you have no symptoms but get your yearly PSA cancer screening test. An elevated PSA level leads to a biopsy showing you have prostate cancer and you are subsequently treated for it. There is roughly one chance in 50 that, between now and 2019 or later, you will be spared death from a cancer that would have killed you. But there's a 49 in 50 chance that you would have been treated unnecessarily for a cancer that was never a threat to your life" (Alternatives for the Health-Conscious Individual.)

    Says Dr. Brawley, "The test [PSA] is about 50 times more likely to ruin your life than it is to save your life."

    The second study published in the New England Journal of Medicine used 76,693 men. About half of these men received annual PSA testing. When the results of the two groups were compared, researchers discovered that the group who was diagnosed early had basically the same death rate due to prostate cancer as the group who had never undergone PSA screening.

    Prostate cancer treatments are devastating. They include radiation, the administration of hormones, and surgery to remove the entire prostate. Side effects include:

  • impotency
  • urinary problems
  • bowel problems
  • the shrinking of the penis
  • infertility
  • breast enlargement (gynecomastia)
  • hot flashes
  • death
  • Prostate cancer treatments can lead to death. In the PSA screening group, 312 men with prostate cancer died from causes other than the cancer; only 225 in the unscreened group died from other causes. Researchers state that the larger number of deaths in the PSA group was due to the treatment of non-progressive cancer. In simpler terms, the fact that treating cancers which didn't need to be treated caused the demise of the men in the PSA group.

    In closing, Dr. David Williams says, "If you don't have any prostate symptoms, then I would strongly recommend against having a PSA screening test. For the last couple of decades the PSA test has been marketed to both doctors and patients as the means to early detection and the way to save lives..."

    Although I know men who have taken advantage of PSA screenings and treatments, I refuse both. At nearly 58 years of age, I have no symptoms of BPH or prostate cancer.

    Super Nutrients Erectile Dysfunction Prostate Health Estrogen Dominance Testosterone Hormonal Balance Excess Iron Andropause Osteoporosis in Men Prostate Cancer Serum Calcium BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen)

    > Health for men